Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Off to Indaba

I am leaving in a couple of hours for my two week trip to Southern Africa. I am pretty excited, although I have been so busy with moving and packing that I have had very little time to think about this trip.

I am lucky enough to be hosted by South African Tourism, so will be traveling on Emirates Business Class and staying at the Hilton Hotel in Durban. The first couple of days are going to be very intense with lots of meetings, networking and cocktails parties. After that I am off to Botswana to visit Sanctuary Lodge properties and then spend 4 nights at Norman Carr properties in Zambia. I hope to keep my blog up to date with pictures and experiences while there.

I really am looking forward to meeting our business partners, leaning about new lodges and really experiencing Indaba for the first time. I am also hoping to meet up with friends and family while there.

Plus this will be my first experience flying Business Class Internationally - I am very lucky!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sales Calls with Bush & Beyond

I am getting ready for sales calls next week with Liz Bean of Bush and Beyond. We are heading to Las Vegas and Salt Lake City and hope to meet with travel agents who have clients interested in traveling to East Africa. We are also doing a joint presentation to the Outside Sales Support Network in Salt Lake City. If this meeting is successful then we might end up joining their organization. I love doing joint sales calls with Liz, as she has so much knowledge about East Africa and really does represent some amazing properties that we use at Ker & Downey. We are also going to have fun together and drive from Las Vegas to Salt Lake City - about a 6 hour drive. It is through a beautiful area though and if we have time, we'll take some photos.